Getting Care Quickly: Days to Get Appointment When Care Needed Right Away (CAHPS® - Adult)

Percent breakout of adult members reporting the number of days they usually waited to get an appointment when they needed care right away. Breakouts for number of days are as follows: Same day, 1 day, 2 to 3 days, 4 to 7 days, and More than 7 days.


Supplemental Question approved by NCQA for use in the CAHPS® 5.1H Adult Medicaid Health Plan Survey:

CAHPS®_CPA_SUP.231: In the last 6 months, how many days did you usually have to wait for an appointment when you needed care right away?

Measure Identifier: CAHPS_CPA_SUP.231

Please see Report Details below for more information on selected subgroups, organizations, and aggregation.



  • HEDIS® is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).
  • CAHPS® is a registered trademark of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).